Devpolicy Talks

PNG Update 2015 - Gae Kauzi Keynote Address

Episode Summary

2015 PNG Update - Keynote Address by Dr Gae Kauzi, Assistant Governor, Bank of Papua New Guinea. Organised by the University of Papua New Guinea’s School of Business Administration and the ANU Development Policy Centre, the 2015 PNG Update was held in Port Moresby on June 18-19 2015, at the Main Lecture Theatre at the University of Papua New Guinea. More details:

Episode Notes

2015 PNG Update - Keynote Address by Dr Gae Kauzi, Assistant Governor, Bank of Papua New Guinea.

Organised by the University of Papua New Guinea’s School of Business Administration and the ANU Development Policy Centre, the 2015 PNG Update was held in Port Moresby on June 18-19 2015, at the Main Lecture Theatre at the University of Papua New Guinea.

More details: